Would you like to invite a colleague to help build your school’s careers programme? Do you need to update an existing user's permissions? Follow the below steps to learn how to manage users in Compass+.


  1. Log into Compass+ with your user credentials. These will be the same credentials you use to log into your Compass or Schools Hub account.

2. To add a new user, select to ‘User Management’ from the drop down menu in the top rights of your dashboard.

3. You can deactivate existing users in the ‘Manage Users’ section of Compass+. To do so simply check or uncheck the ‘Active’' box.

You will be prompted to check you’re sure you want to deactivate the user.

Once you click ‘Deactivate’ the user will appear greyed out in the user list as below.

4. You can also edit existing user permissions from this section. It is worth checking what each of the user roles mean before doing so. You can do this by clicking on the ‘i' next to 'Role’.

To change an existing user's permissions click the pencil to ‘Edit this user’ as below.

A box will pop up that will allow you to edit any of the user’s contact details. You can change their permissions by selecting the desired user type from the drop down menu and then ‘Edit’ in the bottom right of the box.

Once you’ve changed their permissions you’ll see a light green box with a progress bar pop up in the top right corner of your screen to confirm that your user has been updated.

5. To invite a new colleague as a user, click the ‘Create a new user’ button in the top right corner of the page.

Enter the new user’s details, select their permission level and then click ‘Create’.

You will see a light green box with a progress bar, pop up in the top right corner of your screen to confirm that your user has been created. Now simply check the ‘Active’ box non the

Now simply check the ‘Active’ box next to the user and select ‘Activate’ to activate their user account.

The new user will now appear in the list without the grey shading over their name and with their ‘Active’ box checked.

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