How to create a careers activity in Compass+

Follow the below steps to complete a new activity in Compass+


  1. Log into Compass+ with your user credentials. These will be the same credentials you use to log into your Compass or Schools Hub account.

2. To create a new activity plan, select ‘Create New Activity’ from the drop down menu under ‘Plans’, in the left hand navigation panel.

3. Indicate whether your activity aligns to Gatsby benchmark 1 or 2-8, and which academic year it will fall under.

4. Begin creating the new activity by adding the key details - Start by giving your activity a name.

5. Then select the specific Gatsby benchmark ('main category') the activity aligns to from the

6. Then select an additional category (Gatsby benchmark) that this activity relates to. Please note that this additional category won’t impact the data visualisation you see on the main dashboard.

7. Enter the school lead (name of staff member running the activity), date, start and finish time for the activity.

8. Now it is time to add a group of students to your activity. If it is a standard group from your MIS (e.g. year group or form group) you can either search for them in the drop down menu or type their details into the search box.

9. If you wish to then edit the group (to remove or add individual students), by clicking the pencil icon circled in red below. Remember, editing a group will expand the list so you see all members of it and you won’t be able to collapse it again. It’s advisable to only select this option if there are pupils you’d like to remove from a group.

There is also the option to create a ‘custom group’ for this activity, but we cover that in a separate article.


10. Now it’s time to add a provider to your activity. You can click the green link to see what potential providers have been recommended for your activity.

Alternatively if you already have a provider for your activity you can begin typing their details in the box circled below and you’ll be prompted to complete their details in full. Once you have completed the form, select ‘Add Partner’ and the provider will then added into your Careers Partners Database for future use.

11. Finally, add any notes you wish to your activity and then click ‘Save activity to plan’.

12. Once completed your new activity will appear under ‘Your Plans’ in the left hand navigation menu. Select the year the activity falls under (e.g. this year/next year) and then select ‘View/Edit’ Plan to see your activity (and any others created) for the year.

You can then click on the arrow under ‘action’ next to your activity if you want to edit, duplicate, mark as complete or delete this activity.