Guidance for schools on planning for next year in Compass+
We will be able to pull data from your Management Information System (MIS) for the 2020/21 academic year from September 1st 2020. You can find out more information about how we sync your data here.
There are a number of tasks that schools can be doing in Compass+ to help them set-up their activities for the next academic year. We have outlined a few suggestions below. We have also compiled some FAQs on the academic year change and what users of Compass+ will see in the tool when the year changes to 2020/21.
Guidance for schools on planning for next year in Compass+ and FAQs for change of academic year
Guidance for schools on planning for next year
1.Review your activities from 2019/20 academic year in the system and consider improvements
Consider what went well with the activities that you ran - you may have already recorded some of your thoughts in the evaluation notes section of each completed activity.
Update or add evaluation notes to your completed activities, by navigating to your plan, going to your 'Completed Activities' tab and selecting ‘Add evaluation notes' link, to add notes (see below screen shot)
Think about how you are going to improve on this year’s activities and potentially how you might do things differently
2. Copy your 2019/20 plan over to 2020/21, to provide a baseline for next years' programme
If helpful and to save you time, you can copy your plan for this year, over to next year in Compass+, just navigate to ‘Plans’ and select ‘This year’ tab, under the ‘Actions’ column there is a rectangular icon that let’s you copy your activities (see below screen shot)
By copying your plan over to next year, we will:
Transfer all activities to your plan for next year. Activities can then be deleted if they are not required in next year's plan.
If your activities have the status of Planned/Completed/Cancelled in the current year then these will all appear as planned in the next year.
The activity dates will be changed to the first of the month in which they originally occurred.
3. Amend plan and add new activities
Now you have your draft plan, you can then update or edit your copied activities by navigating to ‘Plans’ in the main navigation, selecting ‘Your plans’ and then selecting the ‘Next year’ tab. Amend or update all activities by:
Attributing a date and time for the activity
Attributing Gatsby Benchmark categories and sub categories
Attributing careers partners that may support with the delivery of the activity
Add any prompts or reminders fro yourself in the notes field about how you want to improve on this activity
You can also add any new activities you plan to deliver next year, that may not have been in your previous year’s plan by selecting ‘Create a new activity’
You can add any notes to your activity, if you want to quickly jot down any reminders relating to the activity
Once you have saved this plan, it will form the basis of your programme that can be reviewed and updated regularly and will inform how you answer your next Compass evaluation.
4. Student data and when you will be able to see this reflected for 2020/21 academic year
When you are creating an activity for 2020/21 in the system, you will not be able to attribute students or groups to the activity, until your Management Information System (MIS) data has been pulled through from 1st September 2020
You will therefore see the below message in the tool and we ask you to return from September 1st, once we have pulled through your data for the 2020/21 academic year, in order to attribute pupils or groups to an activity:
If you want to make a note of who you plan to attend an activity in the interim, then you can use the notes area at the botton of the ‘Create Activity’ page
Once your schools Management Information System has been updated you will want to schedule some time to add or update any ‘custom groups’ of pupils. This will save you time and make it easier to allocate groups of pupils to specific activities in Compass+